Parasites in the human body: symptoms and treatment

Most of the people don't reflect about what the inside of your body that lives. It is of parasites. Someone believes that once in your house, there are no animals, and hands washed after each exit to the street, risks of minimally invasive. No, it is not so. According to medical statistics, the parasites in the human body are present in nearly 50% of the cases. Earthworms, for example, are ancient creatures are parasitic in the human body. They are so adapted to life in the interior of the people, that often his presence is not manifested, and the media, it seems that the infection is asymptomatic.

In reality, the symptoms are always there, it is important to discern the warning signs. Today we're going to see what are the symptoms that indicate the presence of infection, the measures to be taken for the prevention of the invasion and what the treatment may be directed against the parasites, if they are detected.

parasites in the human body

The symptoms of the infection by parasites

The biggest problem from the point of view of the detection of the parasite in the body – the versatility of symptoms, possibly confusing, not only man, but of doctor, to which the patient has consulted. Depending on the type, location, and life cycle of the parasites in different ways manifest themselves. Sometimes the person is not aware of most of the symptoms of stop the attention only on the same (for example, pains in the lungs). In consequence, the patient is receiving treatment for a specific disease, if he has been discovered, and if not sent home for lack of its clinical picture.

Therefore, it is important to see the image of your overall health, taking note of complex changes in the state. The medicine provides more than a dozen of signs that point to infection with the parasite. Let's look at these symptoms in the form of a table.

Indicating that the parasites in the body?

The symptom That occurs in the body?
Allergic reactions If a person suddenly begins to suffer the symptoms of the allergy, the penalty shall be subject to the parasites. The fact that the selection of pests are toxic, and the body's immune system may react to the formulation of a greater number of cells, in turn, cause irritation and allergy.
The pain in the muscles and joints Parasites can live in the tissues of the joint fluid, muscles. Moving, causing the pain that many copied in arthritis, injuries or stretching. In reality, the muscle pain and joint pain may indicate inflammation caused by the vital activity of parasites.
Anemia Protozoa that live in the bloodstream of the person, feed on the cells of the blood and are capable of producing essential to of your loss. Also the anemia-causing parasites, exhaust the nutrients from the intestine teacher, including iron.
Headaches Regular pain in the head, dizziness, nausea indicate that the poisoning of the body due to parasitic infestation.
Without cause a reduction/increase in weight The lack of weight occurs due to the internal consumers of food, who feed from the same man. The increase in weight is associated with the fact that the body of the front, not get the nutrients, the man put to the test constantly to horse racing sugar in the blood and you feel hungry.
Sleep disorders Frequent awakenings, nervous, and sensible sleep are frequently to infection by protozoa. The liver is trying to cleanse itself of toxic substances, for the parasites, and usually your activity falls into a deep night. Also the person can bother the itching in the anus, does not sleep.
Bruxism (the grating of the teeth during sleep). The teeth grinding is one of the symptoms of the infestation of parasites, especially common in children. It is considered that that is exactly what the nerve endings respond to intoxication and inflammation.
Itching in the anal area Helminths often manifest with itching in the anus, in particular, is often a common symptom in children.
The violation of the chair Constipation or diarrhea – possible symptoms that indicate that parasites that live in the gut. The constipation is related to the fact that the abundant invasion leads to obstruction of the ducts, intestinal, diarrhea.
The irritation of the bowel To the inflammation of the walls of the authority, the parasites cause the cider irritable bowel. This process affects the ability of absorbing useful substances, but also to make impossible the absorption of fats in the department, which has by spasms and morbidity.
The swelling Flatulence, feeling full, bloated belly is indicative of the presence in the body of parasites. Pay attention to this symptom must, if the gases are produced irrespective of food intake.
Skin problems. Hives, acne, eczema, dermatitis and other rashes on the skin – a sign that the body is infected with the parasite. The results of your business negatively in the gastrointestinal tract, which, inevitably, passed on and in the epidermis of the skin.
Diseases of the nervous system Increased irritability, nervousness, depression and the feeling of discouragement can be symptoms of the infestation. The systematic poisoning of the body gives rise to disturbances in the central nervous system, in particular, this indicator is relevant for children. Unfounded crying, whims and fears can have a very "physical" on the ground.
Chronic fatigue The fatigue, the drowsiness and the lack of perform the slightest physical activity – "hello" from an agency that suffers from poisoning and the deficit of nutrients that rob the parasites.
The decline of immunity Frequent viral and bacterial of the disease, the violation of the microflora, the inflammation and the infection, the symptoms of the infestation. The parasites weaken the immunity, reduce the production of immunoglobulin.
General the violation of well-being, pain in the various organs of Depending on the location, parasites can affect interfere with the function of any organ: the lung, the heart, the brain, the liver or the pancreas.
The development of the tumors and of the entities These signs and symptoms, especially those collected in the aggregate, cause the emergence of various tumors, including cancer. Tired parasites, that the body is not able to fight with their growth.
the diagnosis of parasites

These symptoms rarely occur in a moment in which this occurred, the invasion of parasitic must be very strong. And here is a combination of three-four things happen everywhere. Let's look at this in a specific example of infections:

  1. Ascaride – pain in the intestine, disorders of the chair, the dysfunction of the liver and pancreas.
  2. Ostritsy – sensation of burning and itching around the anal opening, diarrhea, bloating, bruxism, nervous system disorders, loss of appetite, attacks of headache.
  3. Lentetsy – weight reduction, allergic reactions, violation of the immunity, intestinal disease.

The diagnosis of parasites

If the person has discovered to itself or its loved ones, some of the symptoms mentioned above, it is advisable to undergo a diagnostic, to make sure to identify parasites in the body. To do this, you can request that the doctor (or the pediatrician, if it is a child), to obtain the corresponding destination. As a general rule, district, and type the address in the analysis of blood, saliva, and feces.

Modern medicine also offers immunological studies on the parasitic infestation, with extensive tests that identify specific groups of parasites. Unfortunately, these complex analyses are paid for and spend in private clinics. But the results obtained indicate precisely on a particular type of pest, allowing you to assign the appropriate treatment.

There is No cure, it has the same effectiveness that affects all groups of parasites. Also the designation of a medication, you should take into account the stage of development of the pest, as well as drugs that act on the eggs, may not surprise the adults of the species. Therefore, to start a treatment is necessary then, when in the hands there are already analysis and its transcription. Typically, doctors use several types of medications, which we will explain below.

The treatment of parasitic infestations

Anti-parasitic drugs, medicines existing in the present, have a broad spectrum of action, that is to say, covering several types infect the human body of beings. However, as we pointed out earlier, every medicine has a specific activity, and is assigned after the diagnosis was made. However, in the query the arsenal, in the case of infection by parasites is found around a dozen of media (and their equivalents), have been shown to be safe and effective.

The first group of drugs is applied if it is found in the body, round worms, nematodes, helminths. The medicines are prescribed, if the person is infected with such parasites, as ostritsy, ascaride, vlasoglavy, Trichinella, and the like.

The second group of drugs is effective against tape worms, cestodes, tapeworms. These include a wide lentetsa, trematodes, horses, swine and bovine tsepnja these parasites are the most common.

We must understand that when infected with the parasite of a member of the family, with the probability that in 99% of the rest of the family are also holders of these pests. In consequence, it will carry out the diagnosis and the treatment is recommended for the whole family. The same applies to small groups of people, good to communicate between them (kindergarten, for example).

Popular methods of getting rid of the parasites

home remedies

The treatment of parasites considerably aggravated by the fact that in the process of life that continually multiply, that in the body of a person at the same time they are found and the eggs and the larvae and adults of the species. Reception of pharmaceutical products is usually a single, with the repetition of 10-14 days, in order to derive an organism of the species, that have come to time to grow at this time. Also a good option is to auxiliary therapy, able to support traditional medical treatment.

Introduction to the treatment of parasites in domestic ways, talk with your doctor. Not all the recipes are the same insurance, depending on the age and state of health of the patient, may be inadequate.

We offer several popular recipes, years of proven and with the greatest amount of positive feedback from people who have recovered from the parasites this way.

The tincture of wormwood. A tablespoon chopped dried wormwood fill in with 100 milliliters of alcohol and two weeks to insist in a cool dark place. then the liquid is strained and consumed three times a day 20 drops before meals.

Pumpkin seed. Without salt fresh, peeled pumpkin seeds (300 grams) crushed in a coffee grinder, then unite it with honey or water (1:1). The mixture should be eaten on an empty stomach, after slightly more than three hours can not eat and take laxatives. The fact that the pumpkin seeds contain a substance in particular, which paralyzes the pest and temporarily consume to have the opportunity to return to the walls of the organs.

Alpha of the dye. It is preferable to use the white mushroom or chanterelle mushrooms, as they contain a substance that kills and the adult worms and larvae. A handful of fresh mushrooms is poured a glass of vodka and insist two weeks, and then the liquid is filtered and drink for the tea spoon before bedtime. Of course, this method is not suitable for pregnant women and children.

The bark of the pomegranate. 50 grams fresh, the peel of the pomegranate poured two cups of boiling water and simmered until the pores, until the liquid reduce to half. After the infusion you drink a drink, half an hour later, they take laxatives. During four hours you should refrain from the food. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to plant enema.

The cooking of the carnations. Dry ground cloves to powder, a teaspoon of which is poured a glass of boiling water and heated in water bath for one minute, then cover with the lid and insist in half an hour. Accept the cooking, only in a fresh kind, for the tea spoon three times a day, one half hour before the meal.

The release of the parasites of popular methods will be more effective if it acts in the complex. First, you must look like a doctor, give the analysis and learn from their results. After which it put pharmacy drugs should be strictly determined by the schema. Beforehand, talk with the doctor of your desire to enjoy the recipes, and together determine the best option. The last step towards a cure is prevention. About it and we will talk about below.

The prevention of the invasion of the

The main role in prevention activities aimed at reducing risks of invasion, deals with hygiene. Even adults, who know very well about the need to respect the rules of hygiene, often this is neglected. Meanwhile, the doctors insist that regular preventive measures are able to reduce by half the risk of infection by parasites. To the hygienic standards, and mandatory for children and adults, include:

  1. The careful washing of hands with soap after each quarter of the street, the contact with the animals).
  2. The treatment of hands with an antiseptic gel or wipes.
  3. Daily change of underwear (previously ironing hot iron).
  4. Weekly change of bed linens (wash in hot water).
the prevention of parasites

A child must be taught to not take in the mouth, dirty hands, not share food with classmates, taking one after the other. The baby it is necessary to explain the danger of falling into the body of the dirt, bacteria, and parasites. All care is necessary to wash your hands after working with the earth, rest in the nature.

In the journal as the prevention of parasites, can be added to food acute of spices and condiments – most of the plagues of the non-carriers. It is recommended to eat onion and garlic, to use when preparing the pepper, the pepper, the horseradish.

The transfer of the total

Regular prevention, as well as the attention to the most insignificant signs of infection with parasites are simple rules that protect all of the family problems. Personal hygiene, food preparation, as well as the control of the children and the animals should be treated with maximum responsibility. Take care of your health!